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Coorectly spawning node with geo coord and rotation


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Hi, I'm spawning node in geo terrain (curved and flat), and I just want to make sure I'm doing it correctly.

auto converter = ig->getConverter();
Mat4 transform = converter->getZeroBasis(geo);
vec3 up = converter->getZeroUpDirection(geo);
quat q = converter->getZeroRotation(geo);
node->setWorldRotation(quat(up, yaw) * q); // rotate the yaw of the node. 0 should be face north, 90 should be face east. Not sure here!

Can you confirm this is the correct way, that I'm not messing up the quat order? Thanks!

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Yes, you are on the right way, but you got a little lost with the order of applying rotations

// input
Vec3 geo = Vec3(lat,lon,alt);
vec3 euler_ned = vec3(yaw, pitch, roll);
vec3 euler_enu = vec3(roll, pitch, yaw); // there are can be different sign. im not shure about direction of rotation CW or CCW

// === usual way with flat 
vec3 world_pos = geodeticToWorld(geo);
quat world_rot = quat(composeRotationZYX(euler_enu));
// OR   if you have a ned rotation
quat world_rot = quat(0.0f, 0.0f, -1.0f, euler_ned.z) * quat(1.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f, euler_ned.y) * quat(0.0f, 1.0f, 0.0f, euler_ned.x);

Mat4 final_transform = Mat4(world_rot, world_pos);

// ==== with geodetic curved

vec3 world_pos = geodeticToWorld(geo);
quat world_rot = quat(composeRotationZYX(euler_enu));

quat zero_basis = getZeroRotation(geo); // rotation of local tanget plane for this point

Mat4 transform = Mat4(zero_basis * world_rot, world_pos); // compose rotation of ltp with rotation of entity

// or just

Mat4 transform = getZeroBasis(geo) * Mat4(world_rot.getMat3()); // im not shure about altitude in this case but it should works to...


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