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XML files are opened by another program on click in the asset browser


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When I click on xml files (including, for example, .mat files, configs, etc.) in the asset browser, these files are opened in another program (OS defaults for .xml extension). Other file extensions may also have been affected by this issue.

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I thought that after clicking on the file in the asset browser, the parameters window (inspector) should only open, not the file itself.

Probably, an appropriate setting is needed for altering this behavior.

After all, why edit the material manually through a text editor when you can edit it through the parameters window of UnigineEditor.

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So you are using single click to select material in Asset Browser and third party application is launching? Never saw this behavior before. Only double-click should trigger this behavior.

Can you also send us editor_log.txt file from <Project>/bin directory and specify your exact Linux distro name and version?

Also make sure that you don't use single-click to open files and folders option (available for some DE):



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7 hours ago, silent said:

Also make sure that you don't use single-click to open files and folders option (available for some DE):

It turns out that this was the cause of the problem (although at first I tested both system options, apparently it applied only after restarting UnigineEditor).
It would still be more convenient to be able to select "single-click to open files and folders" for OS and double-click for UnigineEditor at the same time.

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