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haze problem


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i have this very annoying problem with haze when sun is below "horizon" but not fully disabled  (only preset 0 on, default scattering luts etc), it happens when haze is physically based, or even long/shot distance range. It's some lanscapeTerrain world so no curvature involved here.

There's always a glow and in the middle a "black" ghost spot of the sun, appearing on top of everything. Here on the screen shot 1 there's nothing but the environnement displayed, and on 2 some vast landscapeTerrain + water (camera and bis distance are huge). 3 with a cmaera far clip of 1000 and sharpen intensity of 10 (!), it's even more visible.





I already noticed that but here it's really visible.

How would you get rid of that artifact ? I expect that sun glow/black spot would would not be visible below horizon when sun  is set. Do I need to modify the scattering luts ?


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