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[SOLVED] Physics stacking


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A very important aspect of our game is to have physics objects stacked on top of each other. A level can easily have 5+ objects that will be stacked vertically on top of each other. I've noticed these objects only stack without problems only when the Physics FPS is over 100. On mobile, this causes a very big hit on performance, especially with large amounts of objects. Are there any tips/tricks you guys know that we can use to help stable stacking, but yet be able to drop the Physics FPS?


We've also noticed on mobile that none of our objects freeze, therefor are always calculated if they are staying still.

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I've been reading through the docs and it seem that raising the iterations would be really costly. Is there some kind of comparison that could be used, such as 30PFPS + 4 Iterations will have roughly the same cost as 120PFPS alone? (or, which one of those would be cheaper). I only ask this because I was doing such tests, and stability did not improve too much.

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