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[2.15] Memory leak in Tracker when animating float propertyparameters


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Dear Unigine Team,

I fear I have encountered a memory leak in the Tracker tool in 2.15 while porting one of our projects 2.15 alpha to 2.15 release version.

Reproduction is quite easy:

  1. Create an empty project (UnigineScript only is fine)
  2. Copy the attached property files and the memleak.track into the data folder of the project
  3. Open the project in the editor and turn off FPS limitation
  4. Open the Tracker Tool
  5. Load the memleak.track

That's it. Even when the slider in the Tracker is not moved, one can observe a growing Heap/Memory/System in the profiler (at around 400 fps).

One could argue that a memory leak inside the Editor is not an issue, because the editor has a limited runtime only (only on a full workingday for typical developers).  But our project invokes the tracker from the world script, so our project is also affected and it is expected to run for a very long time (typically month). So thats a serious issue for us.

It seems that 2.14.1 is not affected by that issue.

Many thanks


memleak.track some_other.prop some_other.prop.meta SomeOtherProp_0.prop SomeOtherProp_1.prop

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