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sandworm tiling of exported objectClutters/objectGrass


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sandowrm tool doesn't "tile" objectClutters and objectGrass when exporting a landscapeTerrain, like it's done with landscape tool and terrainGlobal (at least in geodetic pivot/curve mode and terrainGlobal). (haven't tried to generate a terrainGlobal with sandworm so I don't know if it's the same)

So each clutter node covers all exported landscapeTerrain area.

As I've been already told, clutters are limited to single precision hence there's little sense in making hundreds of km wide clutters. Plus I don't know what is the impact in terms of performance and accuracy, but I have the feeling that very large clutters are very hard to sample/display fast enough when camera is moving fast: what ever step/subdivision/density settings, objects are almost always displayed too late. This seem to be less the case with a grid of smaller clutters (to be confirmed).

Would it be possible to implement same automatic tiling with sandorm exported clutters (and grass) as with landscapeTool?




Romain, we are already working on the ability to split objects depending on your needs by changing the desired grid size in the Sandworm export settings. This feature is currently being tested in our internal branch and might be included in the following hotfix release. So, stay tuned.



Hello, this is good news, looking forward to getting this must have feature released in next hotfix.




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