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ig_config split in multiple files


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Is it possible to split ig_config.xml into multiple xml files, for example with  XInclude ? See https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/previous-versions/dotnet/articles/aa302291(v=msdn.10)?redirectedfrom=MSDN

I'm trying to put databases and entities definition into other files, for ease of maintenance and version management, but my tests with XInclude failed.

Rationale: we have multiple simulators sharing the same dbs and entities set, but each with their own channels definition and CIGI/DIS configs. It would be best for us to separate these into different files to ease updates.


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Hi Stephane,

We do not support XInclude in our XML parser (and highly unlikely we will ever support this extension). So, right now only a single ig_config.xml file can be used at once.

In the future releaeses we plan to split the config to multiple files (since we are also sometimes struggling with this monolith XML). Can you show us your example files after splitting?


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I'd like to essentially separate the databases and entities (each in a file), the filters and channels (each in a file) and the communication parts (CIGI and DIS). The remainder could be put in an extra file.

I will probably work around the current limitation by concatenating the files into the required ig_config.xml with a script, but this is not very future-proof.


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