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How to synchronize all the children of a node when calling Syncker.Master.LoadNode method?


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I've found that if I loaded a node by calling Syncker.Maste.LoadNode method, only the node itself would be added to the synchronization queue, but all its children wouldn't.

I'm wondering that if I need to add all the children manually or it could be done automaticlly?

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Hi, songtao.han! 

This is not a bug, it was done on purpose.
For best performance, you need to manually specify which nodes you need to synchronize and specify a mask for each. (usually not all nodes changing at runtime, and there is no point in synchronizing static nodes - it can drop the performance)

If you realy need to add all the nodes to synchronization, you can write a simple recursive method

void addSyncNodeRecursive(const NodePtr &node, unsigned char mask)
	if (!node)

	sync_master->addSyncNode(node, mask); // add current node to sync with mask

	if (node->getType() == Node::NODE_REFERENCE) // if its nodereference - we need to expand it, and process its reference
		addSyncNodeRecursive(checked_ptr_cast<NodeReference>(node)->getReference(), mask);

	for (int i = 0 ; i < node->getNumChildren(); i++)
		addSyncNodeRecursive(node->getChild(i), mask); // also call this method for each children

// unsinged char mask = ~0;
// NodePtr new_node = sync_master->loadNode("mynode.node", mask);
// addSyncNodeRecursive(new_node, mask);

(it is cpp code, but in c# it will look similar)

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