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Node not in Local Space


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I'm having problems figuring this out. I have a "scanner" node that sweeps an arc for intersections, returns to its start, and repeats. I'm attaching it to a rotating node. It seems to not act in local space. I've attached another node that works. 




    public class Rotator : NodeDummy {
        private float scan = 30;
        private float turnSpeed = 30f;
        private float range = 10;
        private int mask = 1;

        private readonly ObjectMeshDynamic center = Primitives.CreateBox(vec3.ONE * .6f);
        private readonly ObjectMeshDynamic outer = Primitives.CreateBox(vec3.ONE * .4f);
        public readonly Node beam = new NodeDummy();

        public Rotator() {
            AddChild(center); // Object for self

            outer.Translate(0, .5f, 0);  //To Show Front

            beam.Translate(0, 0, .1f); // Off Ground

        public void Update() {
            if(!Ping(out var detect)) { return; }
            Console.WriteLine($"Detected: {detect!.Name}");

            /* **********   Locals   ********** */

            void TurnSelf() { Rotate(0, 0, 10 * IFps); }

            void TurnBeam() {
                beam.Rotate(0.0f, 0.0f, turnSpeed * IFps);
                var bang = beam.GetRotation().GetAngle(vec3.UP);
                if(bang > scan / 2) {
                    beam.Rotate(new quat(vec3.UP, -scan));

            bool Ping(out Unigine.Object? detected) {
                vec3 firstPoint = beam.Position;
                vec3 secondPoint = firstPoint + beam.GetDirection(AXIS.Y) * range;
                detected = World.GetIntersection(firstPoint, secondPoint, mask);
                Visualizer.RenderLine3D(firstPoint, secondPoint, vec4.BLUE);
                return detected is not null;


I'm attaching both in the same way and I think I'm doing the "scan" movement all in local space, but the "outer" node turns with the parent and the "beam" doesn't.

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intersection and visualizer work in world coordinates
if beam is a child node, then the error is somewhere here

vec3 firstPoint = beam.WorldPosition; //beam.Position;
vec3 secondPoint = firstPoint + beam.GetWorldDirection(AXIS.Y) * range; //beam.GetDirection(AXIS.Y) * range;
detected = World.GetIntersection(firstPoint, secondPoint, mask);
Visualizer.RenderLine3D(firstPoint, secondPoint, vec4.BLUE);

the result will also be in world coordinates. to convert world to beam local

vec3 local_point = beam.GetIWorldTransform() * world_point;


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That was it cash-metall. Thanks. I used `ToWorld`.

(Object?, vec3) PingWorld() {
    var start = ToWorld(firstPoint);
    var end = ToWorld(secondPoint);
    Object? intersection = World.GetIntersection(start, end, mask);
    vec3 position = intersection is null ? : vec3.ZERO : ToLocal(intersection.Position); }
    Visualizer.RenderLine3D(start, end, vec4.BLUE);
    return (intersection, position);


Edited by Tessalator
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