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How to pass data between components and AppWorldLogic?


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Hi ,

I got a problem.

I have created a StructDeclaration.cs under the folder of source of my project. There is a struct like below in that file:

public struct ExternStruct
    public int data;

I need to fill this struct in AppWorldLogic like this:

public ExternStruct externStruct;

public override bool Init()
    externStruct.data = 147;

    return true;

Now here it the problem: how can I use the data of the struct in components? I write some code like:

public ExternStruct externStruct;
private void Update()
     Log.Message("-> The data of extern struct is {0}(Component)\n", externStruct.data);

But it doesn't work.

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Hi songtao.han,

You need to get a reference to your AppWorldLogic instance.
Use this in your component:

(Engine.GetWorldLogic(0) as AppWorldLogic).externStruct.data

Best regards,

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21 minutes ago, alexander said:

Hi songtao.han,

You need to get a reference to your AppWorldLogic instance.
Use this in your component:

(Engine.GetWorldLogic(0) as AppWorldLogic).externStruct.data

Best regards,

I changed the code to:

	private void Update()
        int data = (Engine.GetWorldLogic(0) as AppWorldLogic).externStruct.data;
        Log.Message("-> The data of extern struct is {0}(Component)\n", data);
		// write here code to be called before updating each render frame

But I got this:


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Or, alternatively, you can use AppWorldLogic as a singleton:

class AppWorldLogic : WorldLogic
	// singleton design pattern
	private static AppWorldLogic instance;
	public static AppWorldLogic Get() { return instance; }

	public override bool Init()
		instance = this;
		return true;


Log.Message("-> The data of extern struct is {0}(Component)\n", AppWorldLogic.Get().externStruct.data);


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13 minutes ago, silent said:

Instead of Engine.GetWorldLogic(0) try to use Engine.GetWorldLogic(1). It looks like internal ComponentSystem Logic is used in this case.


Thanks! It works.

But I need to ask more. 

If I write the code like:


public static StructDeclaration.ExternStruct externStruct;

public override bool Init()
    externStruct.data = 0;
    return true;

public override bool Update()
    externStruct.data += 1;
    return true;


private void Update()
    Log.Message("-> The data of extern struct is {0}(Component)\n", UnigineApp.AppWorldLogic.externStruct.data);

It also works.

I want to know that can the code above cause some unexpected issue?

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I want to know that can the code above cause some unexpected issue?
Only if you use more than one AppWorldLogic instance (if you use Engine.AddWorldLogic() method). :-)

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