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sync ObjectTerrainGlobal


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I applied the seasonal changes of the terrain using the parameters shown in the picture.

To apply syncker synchronization, should I just use "syncNode (const unigine::NodePtr &in_node, unsigned char mask = ~0)" function?
(put in landsacpe node in "in_node" parameter, mask = Master::OBJECT)

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runtime terrain changes are not synchronized.

you can do it manually using custom messages.

int AppWorldLogic::init()
  	// for slave
	auto sm = Plugins::Syncker::Manager::get();
	if (sm)
		auto slave = sm->getSlave();
		if (slave)
			// method on_terrain_update will be called on the slave when the message "terrain_update" arrives.
			slave->setMessageReceivedCallback("terrain_update", MakeCallback(this, &AppWorldLogic::on_terrain_update));
	return 1;

void AppWorldLogic::update_terrain(int detail, float threshold, float width, float contrast)
	auto terrain = checked_ptr_cast<ObjectTerrainGlobal>(World::getNodeByType(Node::OBJECT_TERRAIN_GLOBAL)); // < too slow. find and save terrain should be in init
	// apply parameters to terrain
	auto sm = Plugins::Syncker::Manager::get(); // < too slow. find and save syncker should be in init
	if (sm)
		auto master = sm->getMaster();
		if (master)
			// send message "terrain_update" with parameters
			BlobPtr blob = Blob::create();
			master->sendMessage("terrain_update", blob);

void AppWorldLogic::on_terrain_update(const Unigine::BlobPtr &message)
	// read message in the same order of parameters
	int detail = message->readInt();
	float threshold = message->readFloat();
	float width = message->readFloat();
	float contrast = message->readFloat();
	// invoke update_terrain for apply parameters
	update_terrain(detail, threshold, width, contrast);

int AppWorldLogic::update()
    // for master
	if (App::clearKeyState('t'))
		update_terrain(1, 2.0, 3.0f, 4.0f);
	return 1;


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Thank you for the detailed sample. It wasn't as simple as I thought.

I have question....


Exactly what changes do the two masks I marked synchronize?


Edited by dongju.jeong
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OBJECT - other parameters of objects except NodeFlags and Transform (particles trasform for object particles, bones transform for object skinned) 
OBJECT_SURFACE - all paramters of surfaces (surface flags and information about inherit materials on each surfaces)

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