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Saving node state using C# components vs Properties


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I think that one very powerful feature of Unigine's node system is the possibility to load a node at runtime in the scene with some properties, change those properties in code and then save the node to disk with the modified properties. I tested and this works quite well 

(see here https://discord.com/channels/620570438505857024/698451137526890547/803225141421015080)

Even though the C# component system uses properties underneath,  In order to have a similar behavior using C# component system is not possible as the property gets destroyed after component initialization.

The only way to solve this would be to have a node with a C# component and a separate property file for each node but maybe there's a better solution ?


One suggestion, add a method in the C# component system that would allow to save property at runtime , I think the code is already there in the editor PropertyGenerator code ...

thanks !


Edited by fred.naar
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Hello, Fred.

I will think about something like ComponentSystem.restoreProperties(Node node, bool include_children) and protected Component.restoreProperty() method in components. What do you think about these names?

There are some problems like: "How it should work with world_save console command?", "What if I want to call restoreProperty several times?", "How to restore exactly the same sequence of properties on the node?" etc.

Best regards,

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Hi Alexander, 

thanks for the quick answer....

would restoreProperties reload the default properties ? because I am trying to achieve the contrary....

this is the pseudo code I would like to make work with properties:               

    AssetLinkNode a = new AssetLinkNode(filename);
	Node n = a.Load();
    Mycomponent c = n.GetComponentInChildren<Mycomponent>();

    // some game logic here say health is set at 100 when node is loaded (it reads from underlying Component property)
      c.health =10;
      bool Success = World.SaveNode(filename, n) 

      //savenode also saves the health property with value of 10, like it does for "normal" properties

So basically I am saving the state of the node.

I am using this for our in game editor where user can set different parameters in game and then save them to a node file which is separate from the world, as for example weather conditions in this video , I would like to be able to save the changes user sets... https://youtu.be/F5yQnsQtbWQ?t=283




thanks !




Edited by fred.naar
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