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how to control vfx explosion from assests


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Hello @Vineet,

I suppose you intend to spawn an explosion using the vfx_explosions_3 sample from the vfx add-on. This is a compound object consisting of several pre-set Particle Systems and saved as a Node Reference. Once enabled or loaded they emit particles (single-time blast). You can change the Delay value of each particle system for a certain time offset without coding.


If you intend to implement some logic for enabling the explosion, check out our C# Component System-related resources:

And videotutorials that show how to spawn a node reference:

Basically, you'll need a C# component responsible for spawn via the following code, for example:


public class Spawner : Component
    public AssetLinkNode node_to_spawn;
    public vec3 spawn_position = vec3.ZERO;
	public float period = 3.0f;

	private float timer;

    private void Init()
		timer = period;

    private void Update()
		timer -= Game.IFps;
        if (timer < 0)
			timer = period;

    private void spawn()
        if (!node_to_spawn.IsNull && node_to_spawn.IsFileExist)


Don't forget also to handle deletion of spawned objects.


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