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Oblique Frustum plane without cutting all objects


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I would like to know if this is possible to use the oblique frustum plane without cutting all the scene objects ?


Hi Fabre,

Current cross-section functionality implementation is limited and it has no control on the objects that you need to cut. We hope to improve this part in the nearest future if it would not require a lot of changes in implementation that would break the backwards compatibility.


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Hi Fabre,

We decided to provide you a custom material that you can use with SDK (in theory it also should work after 2.13 update). Basically, it's a mesh_base copy with additional option that allow to customize which oblique plane can be used to cut the specific object:

In attachment you can find the test project and custom shader. You need to unpack the contents of attached archive to your current project's data directory, so the core directory would be located in the root of the data directory:


In the cross_section_example directory you can find slightly modified cross section sample with 2 cutting planes and 2 materials that works independently (red cube is being cut by a projection plane that defined in code, green cube is cut by the plane that can be controlled via UI).

The new algorithm works with material groups, so if you want add more cutting planes for different objects, you need to create an additional child of the mesh_base_cross_section material:


Hope that would help :)


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Yes, Excellent !! Thanks you !!!!

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