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[SOLVED] How to update player position without interrupting player physics


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If I have a player moving through water I am using:

"node.WorldPosition += node.GetWorldDirection(MathLib.AXIS.Y)*speed*Game.IFps;" with "private void Update()" and "Input.IsKeyPressed"

While the moving player still causes ripples in the water (which is great), the player loses buoyancy and just floats and ignores water wave height interaction (which is no good). When the player is static (no key is pressed) the physics will resume correctly.

Is there a way to move the player and still allow for water physics to impact the player movement, or a way to ensure player object physics update each frame?

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I have a water mesh and I am moving a simple rigid body primitive through the water. The primitive is moved by the water when no keys are pressed, but when I press a key to move the primitive the primitive will still impact the water but the water no longer impacts the primitive on any axis. (I am assuming there must be a better way to adjust the position when a key is pressed that will still allow for impact from the water.)  THANK YOU


using System;
using System.Collections;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using Unigine;

[Component(PropertyGuid = "465a782496696533c01668f62b6a4bdd33a3db98")]
public class player_boat_01 : Component
	public float move_speed = 10.0f;
	public float turn_speed = 90.0f;

	public int health = 50;

	[ParameterFile(Filter = ".node")]
	public string death_fx;

	private void Init()
		// write here code to be called on component initialization
	private void Update()
		// write here code to be called before updating each render frame


	void move(float speed)
		node.WorldPosition += node.GetWorldDirection(MathLib.AXIS.Y)*speed*Game.IFps;

	void turn(float speed)




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First lets use raycast to get position and normal

// initializing points of the ray from player's position in the direction pointed by the mouse cursor 
vec3 p0 = player.WorldPosition;
vec3 p1 = p0 + new vec3(player.GetDirectionFromScreen(mouse.x,mouse.y))*Range;

//creating a WorldIntersection object to store the information about the intersection
WorldIntersectionNormal intersectionNormal = new WorldIntersectionNormal();

// casting a ray from p0 to p1 to find the first intersected object
IntersectObject = World.GetIntersection(p0, p1, 1, intersectionNormal);

target = intersection_normal.Point;
target_normal = intersection_normal.Normal;

Secondly align to 

	private void set_interface_position()
			interface_node.Enabled = true;
			NodeDummy transform_manipulator = new NodeDummy();
			transform_manipulator.SetDirection(pointer.target_normal, vec3.UP, MathLib.AXIS.NZ);
			// v3 needs upgraded code to work with dummy positions 
			vec3 v3 = pointer.target_normal * 0.3f;
			transform_manipulator.Position = pointer.target + v3;
			interface_node.Enabled = false;

I know using Transform and MathLib it is cleaner then using a dummy node. That is for the next version of this code

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Got it working. Thank you so much for the help. Ultimately used the code for the 3rd person shooter sample as reference.  The rigid body velocity code in there worked great.

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