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Darker band at the edge of the screen


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As we've migrated to Unigine 2.11 I've noticed a strange effect: a darker band at the edge of the screen appears, as you rotate the view, in the direction of the rotations. This is wider as you rotate faster and sometimes is not continuous (as seen in the screenshot). So as new pixels come into view they have some darker effect on them for one frame:


This happens in our application (which has some customized engine source) but also in the unmodified editor binaries (but again running on top of our data folders). Cannot verify this yet on default engine binaries, with default materials (as it would need additional changes to content) but wonder if you have any hints what may produce this and what should I try (before I try to attempt to give you a repro case). I've tried to disable all screen effects, tried various console commands (most of them) without success.

Kind Regards,

Adrian L.

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Hello Adrian,

Was this effect visible before the upgrade? We're aware of a WaterGlobal artifacts produced on a low frame rate (less than 60). What frame rate this scene shows?

If it is the same artifact the only option to improve the situation is scene optimization.



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I have over 100 FPS on that scene and it still shows. And I can confirm that without that water plane in the scene, the banding is no longer there. And I don't remember that issue being there in Unigine 2.5 (will double check and come back with definitive answer).

Kind Regards,

Adrian L.

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May I ask you to build a test scene?

Last time I saw something like this was back in 2.6. The black band was produced by combination of TerrainGlobal, Decal, and WaterGlobal. This artifact was eliminated in 2.7. I tried to recreate similar scene and again was successful only with quite old 2.6 SDK.

So, the scene will be really helpful. If there's no workaround for 2.11 or 2.12 we'll investigate possible water shader improvements.


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