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Calculate lighting in texture space


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I was reading through the rendering sequence page and was starting to wonder how one could implement texture space lighting. If your not familiar texture space lighting is the process of calculating lighting information of a model in world space, but drawing that data to a render texture based on it's UVs. this is most commonly used to implement SSS, but in my case I would like to use it to pixelate the lighting on sprites in my game. however this seems to be incredibly difficult to implement based on the way the rendering sequence works.
below is an example of texture space lighting
Advances in Real-Time Skin Rendering

Edited by david.warford
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That indeed a sophisticated task.

You have a couple of options to change rendering:

  1. Write custom shader/modify standard one
  2. Use ObjectExtern and custom shader

However, this will require a decent experience with UNIGINE, so the task could be quite time-consuming.


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Im probably not experienced enough to do this at the moment, maybe you could explain the high level of concepts for option number one (i would prefer for the lighting to be calculated the same as the base mesh material)? That would give me something to work towards, I don't need it for my project immediately but would like to have a road map for where to go from here

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