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Huge update time when using ObjectWaterGlobal


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I just got an strange behavior when working with ObjectWaterGlobal in my project and using various NodeReferences. In editor I didn't get any performance issues working with all of this objects.

During runtime the overall scene performance is also fine as long as the camera is above water (around 200 FPS). But switching to below water and moving close to an object results in an huge performance drop.


The update time went to nearly a second. Also, when moving the camera around, the FPS will be stabilized somehow as before by nearly 200 FPS. I got some additional spikes and update time went up sometimes again without any noteable pattern (it is at least for me not reproducable). And, as said, I got no performance issues during editor work. Render settings weren't changed before runtime. I am using version 2.10.2.





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Hmmm, I do not think so. Collision is disabled for all objects and as said, if I disable ObjectWaterGlobal the scene runs pretty smooth. Will check what may cause this issue. Thought there would be an easy parameter I miss regarding rendering. :)


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Hi silent,


short update on that. I tracked down what is causing the issue. The function dof_update() in VRPlayerPC took nearly an second to execute. The reason is World::getIntersection runs pretty slow when intersection for ObjectWaterGlobal is enabled. Disabling intersection in editor (for ObjectWaterGlobal only) solved my problem. Overall performance increased as well if above water.

Don't know if it can be reproduced on your side. If not, I can share a smaller scene with you.

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