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We’d like to thank all of our users, those who made video content, those who shared their opinions and suggestions on our discord server and our forum, all of you, for your valuable feedback helping us get better. 

So, in this hotfix we resolved a number of issues introduced in 2.11 and made our tools easier to use. 


  • An empty Node field shall now display a hint indicating the types of nodes that it accepts.


  • The Settings window was added to the default layout.

  • Inherit and Clone buttons were renamed as Create Child and Create Clone respectively.

  • Added an option not to display various prompt dialogs (such as world save confirmation, etc.) to avoid annoying popups. You can return them back again via the Editor section of the Settings window.


  • Added icons for the items of the Create menu to make it more informative. 


  • Added a new Automatic adjustment mode for the number of voxels processed per frame in the Bake Lighting tool to optimize baking performance. If you want to set the desired value manually, switch to manual mode using the new mode selection dropdown.


  • World files containing spaces in their names (e.g., “my world.world“) are now loaded correctly.

  • Fixed an issue with closing a world stored in a mount point after removing this mount point in the UnigineEditor.

  • Double-clicking on a texture asset in the Asset Browser will open it in a third-party application according to system file associations (except for textures packed into UNG archives).

  • Fixed issues with rendering previews for FBX assets and node references having LODs.

  • Fixed a crash on deleting a parent material while keeping its children. 

  • .tiff textures are now imported correctly.

  • All .cs files are removed from the final build.

  • Fixed an issue with assigning materials having the same names, but stored in different folders.

  • Video API selection in the UnigineEditor is not available for Community projects.

  • Fixed an issue with occasional surface hierarchy update resetting the current selection.

  • All project templates now have .render assets with Landscape settings configured for low, medium, and high presets. Medium preset is used by default.

  • Fixed an issue with resetting the Workflow option from Specular to Metalness on reimporting an FBX asset.



  • Fixed a crash at the Engine startup when launching it with the Interface plugin and rendering disabled (startup command-line options:  -extern_plugin Interface -video_app null).

  • Fixed a crash on adding invalid (obfuscated) dlls to the project. Such dlls shall be skipped.

  • Fixed a file system deadlock on creating a mount point.

  • World Clutters and Node References created in the UnigineEditor are now properly rendered in the runtime on clicking the Play button.

  • Fixed issues with shaders creation.

SDK Browser

  • Fixed a crash on a re-login attempt after SDK activation.

  • Workspace-specific files for Visual Studio Code (.vscode folder) are now created when copying a demo as a project (via Copy as Project).

  • Checking for internet connection has become slightly less strict with increased check intervals, ensuring stable work in case of a poor internet connection.

  • The list of re-configuration parameters for C# .NET projects now matches the list of parameters used for project creation.


C# Component System

  • Fixed debugging for C# .NET Core projects (available only for new projects created in SDK!).

  • New convenient parameter types AssetLink and AssetLinkNode are now available for C# components. You can use these to create links to assets in your project. Declaration example for a field accepting a node with a preset default value:

    public AssetLinkNode node_asset_link = new AssetLinkNode("some_node.node");

    // Asset links can be used in lists
    public List<AssetLinkNode> nodes;

    You can change filters for the basic AssetLink via the ParameterAsset attribute:

    public AssetLink only_meshes_here;

    Loading .node assets has become easier, you can do it by calling the AssetLinkNode.Load() method or one of its overrides:

    if (Input.IsKeyDown(Input.KEY.SPACE))
      node_asset_link.Load(node.Transform * new dmat4(MathLib.Translate(0, 0, -2.0f)));
      // or like this
      vec3 position = new vec3(1.0f);
      quat rotation = new quat(60.0f, 45.0f, 0.0f);

      node_asset_link.Load(position, rotation);
      // or simply

  • To ensure consistency and better understanding of the workflow the Add New Property button shall be displayed for C# .NET projects as Add New Component or Property,  and the Node Properties section in the Parameters window as Node Components And Properties. The C# Component item has moved up in the Create menu and is now displayed above the Property.


  • To edit a C# component assigned to a node you don’t have to look for it in the Asset Browser anymore, just click a quick-access button next to the component’s name or double-click the component in the Properties window.


  • Added code compilation notifications for C# .NET Core projects. You will see a green message on successful compilation, while the red one signalizes that errors were found. Clicking the red message displays the details in the Console.


  • C#  components modified when the UnigineEditor is not running shall now be re-compiled automatically when opening the UnigineEditor.

  • All modified C# components are now reimported automatically after fixing all compilation errors.

  • Added a number of checks ensuring that component names are unique throughout the project.

  • Compilation of your C# components will not start until your project’s binary is used by another process (code debugging or another application instance running). This removes Editor freezes when trying to recompile your C# components while you’re debugging them.

  • Your application compiled in Visual Studio Code will now run with a default world, no need to use the world_load command anymore (available only for new projects created in SDK!).

  • Double-clicking a C# component in the Properties hierarchy shall open it for editing in the default IDE.


Updated version of documentation is available as 2.11, with a pack of fixes and a new Debugging C# Components article.

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