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About object movement on Z axis


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I would like to inform you that the below code is able to move the object on y and x direction but although I specify that it should move on the z-axis, it doesn't move on the z-axis.

Could you please tell me what is the reason and how should i solve it without changing the method.Also could you please give information about other methods of object movement.

Unigine::Math::Vec3 movexaxis = node->getWorldDirection(Unigine::Math::AXIS_X); //it moves on x axis as expected

Unigine::Math::Vec3 movezaxis = node->getWorldDirection(Unigine::Math::AXIS_Z); //but it does not work, the object does not move on z axis

int objectspeed = 30;
node->setWorldPosition(node->getWorldPosition()+movezaxis*objectspeed*Unigine::Game::get()->getIFps());//this is main function that should move on z axis but it does not work


Edited by burakdogancay
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Hi burakdogancay,

I don't see any problems with your code. What type is the "node"? ObjectMeshStatic, PlayerActor, ObjectDummy? Is it physical (BodyRigid, Shapes)?
movezaxis is equal to zero? Look at it in debugger or send it to the engine's console:

Log::message("Movezaxis: %.3f, %.3f, %.3f\n", movezaxis.x, movezaxis.y, movezaxis.z);

Best regards,

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It returns this one 

Movezaxis: 0.000, -0.000, 1.000
Movezaxis: 0.000, -0.000, 1.000

But it does not move on this Z axis

HELICOPTER MOVEMENT 110.09 -674.877 20.8054 //20 is z axis pos
HELICOPTER MOVEMENT 110.09 -675.005 20.7984


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