roberto.voxelfarm Posted September 27, 2019 Posted September 27, 2019 (edited) I been try to do a point cloud using "deferred" pass material, and I'm been testing differents option. For sample this sample if I put a material as "particles" work fine, I found a particle implementation shaders with the shader for "geometry, vertex and fragment" on ambient and don't work, I try many samples I found on the forums and don't work on my side. I try to modify that I been testing and I don't get nothing yet. The only shader I get running was using a UUSL for other a "object_mesh_static" node, but nothing yet for a "object_dynamic". In the HELP documentation only I found two reference to a UUSL geometry shader only as "", and a table "" nothing about a working sample shader. Any help on this way I will appreciate very much. void AppWorldLogic::InitObjectDynamic03() { ObjectDynamicPtr pod; pod = ObjectDynamic::create(); pod->setName("POINTS"); //pod->setMaterial("particles", "*"); // this work pod->setMaterial("MyParticles", "*"); pod->setSurfaceProperty("surface_base", "*"); pod->setSurfaceMode(ObjectDynamic::MODE_LINES, 0); // ObjectDynamic::MODE_POINTS, pod->setMaterialNodeType(Node::OBJECT_MESH_DYNAMIC); pod->setInstancing(0); pod->setVertexFormat(attributesParticle, 2); pod->addPoints(20); for (int i = 0; i < pod->getNumIndices(); i++) { // vec3 vertex = vec3(Game::get()->getRandomFloat(0.0f, 1.0f), Game::get()->getRandomFloat(0.0f, 1.0f), Game::get()->getRandomFloat(1.0f, 2.0f)); vec3 vertex = vec3((i % 2)*0.2, i%2, i*0.1); pod->addVertexFloat(0, vertex, 3); // vec2 xy = vec2(Game::get()->getRandomFloat(0.2f, 0.8f), Game::get()->getRandomFloat(0.0f, 3.1415)); vec2 xy = vec2(0.8, 3.14); pod->setVertexFloat(1, xy, 2); } pod->flushVertex(); BoundBox bb = BoundBox(vec3(-128, -128, 2), vec3(128, 128, 64)); pod->setBoundBox(bb); } fragment.shader geometry.shader MyParticles.basemat vertex.shader AppWorldLogic.cpp AppWorldLogic.h /Roberto Edited September 27, 2019 by roberto.voxelfarm
roberto.voxelfarm Posted September 27, 2019 Author Posted September 27, 2019 Now I try just put a more single red lines or red points but not even a single red pixel on screen. What can be wrong? AppWorldLogic.cpp void AppWorldLogic::TestPtPoint01() { ObjectDynamicPtr pod = ObjectDynamic::create(); pod->setMaterial("ptcloud", "*"); pod->setSurfaceProperty("surface_base", "*"); pod->setSurfaceMode(ObjectDynamic::MODE_LINES, 0); // ObjectDynamic::MODE_POINTS, pod->setMaterialNodeType(Node::OBJECT_MESH_DYNAMIC); pod->setInstancing(0); pod->setVertexFormat(attributesPoint, 1); pod->addPoints(20); BoundBox bb(vec3(0, 0, 0), vec3(0.01f, 0.01f, 0.01f)); for (int i = 0; i < pod->getNumIndices(); i++) { vec4 vertex = vec4((i % 2) * 0.2f, (i % 2), i*0.1f, 0.0f); pod->addVertexFloat(0, vertex, 4); bb.expand(vec3(vertex.x, vertex.y, vertex.z)); } pod->flushVertex(); pod->setBoundBox(bb); } "ptcloud.basemat, ptcloud.shader, I try to use this but ptcloud-geo.shader <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?> <base_material name="ptcloud" editable="0" version=""> <shader pass="deferred" node="object_dynamic" deferred="1" defines="BASE_DEFERRED" vertex="mat/ptcloud/ptcloud.shader" fragment="mat/ptcloud/ptcloud.shader"/> <!-- geometry="mat/ptcloud/ptcloud-geo.shader" --> </base_material> #ifdef VERTEX #include <core/shaders/common/common.h> STRUCT(VERTEX_IN) INIT_ATTRIBUTE(float4, 0, POSITION) // Vertex position END STRUCT(VERTEX_OUT) INIT_POSITION // Out projected position END MAIN_BEGIN(VERTEX_OUT, VERTEX_IN) float4 row_0, row_1, row_2; row_0 = s_transform[0]; row_1 = s_transform[1]; row_2 = s_transform[2]; float4 vertex = mul4(row_0, row_1, row_2, IN_ATTRIBUTE(0)); OUT_POSITION = getPosition(vertex); MAIN_END #elif FRAGMENT #include <core/shaders/mesh/common/fragment.h> STRUCT(FRAGMENT_IN) INIT_POSITION END MAIN_BEGIN_DEFERRED(FRAGMENT_IN) GBuffer gbuffer = GBufferDefault(); gbuffer.albedo = float3(1.0, 0.0, 0.0); gbuffer.transparent = 1.0; setGBuffer(gbuffer); MAIN_END #endif #include <core/shaders/common/common.h> STRUCT(GEOMETRY_OUT) INIT_POSITION INIT_OUT(float4, 0) END STRUCT(GEOMETRY_IN) INIT_POSITION END GEOM_TYPE_IN(LINE_IN) GEOM_COUNT_IN(1) GEOM_TYPE_OUT(TRIANGLE_OUT) MAIN_GEOM_BEGIN(STRUCT_OUT, STRUCT_IN) float4 center = getPosition(float4(IN_GEOM_POSITION(0).xyz, 1.0f)); OUT_POSITION = center; EMIT_VERTEX; END_PRIMITIVE; END_GEOM ptcloud.basematptcloud.shaderptcloud-geo.shader
consta Posted September 30, 2019 Posted September 30, 2019 Hi Roberto. The Material Node Type you set on object should match the type that you declared in the material with "node="object_dynamic"". Otherwise the engine cannot get the desired shader. I changed folowing line in last attached c++ code and few red lines appears: pod->setMaterialNodeType(Node::OBJECT_DYNAMIC); Also last component of position attribute must be 1.0 for proper transformation: vec4 vertex = vec4(..., 1.0f); pod->addVertexFloat(0, vertex, 4); Also note: if you write deferred shader and depth pre pass is on (render_depth_pre_pass=1) you should also write shader with "pass="depth_pre_pass"" shader which writes depth. For correct line rendering you also should turn off TAA (render_taa) and sharpen (render_sharpen) AppWorldLogic.h AppWorldLogic.cpp 1
consta Posted September 30, 2019 Posted September 30, 2019 Attached example with mesh dynamic ptcloud.7z
roberto.voxelfarm Posted September 30, 2019 Author Posted September 30, 2019 Thank you consta for the sample, I try to run your recommendation and this give me a fatal exception. I check that material, shader and texture_render don't are null. ucrtbase.dll!abort�() Unknown Unigine_x64d.dll!Log::fatal(const char * format, ...) Line 315 C++ Unigine_x64d.dll!Unigine::Log::fatal(const char * format, ...) Line 38 C++ vfLibSample02_x64d.exe!Unigine::Ptr<Unigine::MeshDynamic>::operator->() Line 55 C++ <<<<==== mesh_dynamic04->render(MeshDynamic::MODE_LINES, 0); vfLibSample02_x64d.exe!AppWorldLogic::renderCallback04(Unigine::Renderer * renderer) Line 227 C++ vfLibSample02_x64d.exe!Unigine::CallbackObject1<AppWorldLogic,void (__cdecl AppWorldLogic::*)(Unigine::Renderer *),Unigine::Renderer *>::run(Unigine::Renderer * arg0) Line 506 C++ Unigine_x64d.dll!RenderCallbackWrapper::run(RenderRenderer * renderer) Line 4208 C++ [Inline Frame] Unigine_x64d.dll!Signal::ReentrancyFrame::runNext(RenderRenderer *) Line 67 C++ Unigine_x64d.dll!Signal::invoke<RenderRenderer * __ptr64>(RenderRenderer * <args_0>) Line 39 C++ Unigine_x64d.dll!Render::runCallbacks(int callback, RenderScreen * screen) Line 3848 C++ Unigine_x64d.dll!RenderRenderer::render_screen(RenderScene * scene, RenderScreen * screen) Line 5674 C++ Unigine_x64d.dll!RenderRenderer::render_scene(RenderScene * scene, Texture * depth_out) Line 5817 C++ Unigine_x64d.dll!RenderRenderer::renderWorld(Texture * depth_out) Line 289 C++ Unigine_x64d.dll!Viewport::render_frame(Camera * camera) Line 1151 C++ Unigine_x64d.dll!Viewport::render(Camera * camera) Line 278 C++ Unigine_x64d.dll!Viewport::renderEngine(Camera * camera) Line 250 C++ > Unigine_x64d.dll!Engine::do_render() Line 2875 C++ Unigine_x64d.dll!AppWindow::doRender() Line 1437 C++ [Inline Frame] Unigine_x64d.dll!Engine::doRender() Line 3325 C++ Unigine_x64d.dll!Engine::main(Unigine::SystemLogic * system_logic, Unigine::WorldLogic * world_logic, Unigine::EditorLogic * editor_logic) Line 3346 C++ vfLibSample02_x64d.exe!wmain(int argc, wchar_t * * argv) Line 44 C++ [External Code] /roberto
roberto.voxelfarm Posted September 30, 2019 Author Posted September 30, 2019 Thank you for your recommendation, that work fine. But now I will like to include a Geometric shader, that for each vertex I will like to add an extra one. For this I include in the material a Geometric shader that I put below but this give me a compiler error. The only sample I found about that was: "....\UNIGINE_Evaluation_Sim_Windows_2.9.0.2\demos\orbits_demo_2.9.0.2\data\orbits\trajectory\shaders\trajectory.geom" Compilation log: (2151,64-76): error X3000: unrecognized identifier 'TYPE_GEOM_OUT' hlsl 2151: void main(TYPE_GEOM_IN GEOMETRY_IN input[COUNT_GEOM_IN], inout TYPE_GEOM_OUT<GEOMETRY_OUT> stream) { Material <base_material name="ptobjdynamic" editable="0" version=""> <shader pass="deferred" node="object_dynamic" deferred="1" defines="BASE_DEFERRED" vertex="mat/ptcloud/ptcloud.shader" geometry="mat/ptcloud/ptcloud-geo.shader" fragment="mat/ptcloud/ptcloud.shader"/> </base_material> My shader ptcloud-geo.shader #include <core/shaders/common/common.h> STRUCT(GEOMETRY_OUT) INIT_POSITION INIT_OUT(float4, 0) END STRUCT(GEOMETRY_IN) INIT_POSITION END GEOM_MAX_VERTICES(2) GEOM_TYPE_IN(LINE_IN) GEOM_COUNT_IN(1) MAIN_GEOM_BEGIN(GEOMETRY_OUT, GEOMETRY_IN) float4 left = getPosition(float4(IN_GEOM_POSITION(0).xyz, 1.0f)); OUT_POSITION = left; EMIT_VERTEX; left.y = 2; OUT_POSITION = left; EMIT_VERTEX; END_PRIMITIVE; END_GEOM // All this bellow work fine void AppWorldLogic::InitObjectDynamic03_1() { ObjectDynamicPtr pod = ObjectDynamic::create(); pod->setName("POINTS"); pod->setMaterial("ptobjdynamic", "*"); pod->setSurfaceProperty("surface_base", "*"); pod->setSurfaceMode(ObjectDynamic::MODE_LINES, 0); pod->setMaterialNodeType(Node::OBJECT_DYNAMIC); pod->setInstancing(0); pod->setVertexFormat(attributesPoint, 1); pod->addPoints(20); for (int i = 0; i < pod->getNumIndices(); i++) { vec4 vertex = vec4((i % 2) * 0.2f, (i % 2), i*0.1f, 1.0f); pod->addVertexFloat(0, vertex, 4); } pod->flushVertex(); BoundBox bb = BoundBox(vec3(-128, -128, 2), vec3(128, 128, 64)); pod->setBoundBox(bb); } <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?> <base_material name="ptcloud" editable="0" version=""> <shader pass="deferred" node="object_mesh_dynamic" deferred="1" defines="BASE_DEFERRED" vertex="mat/ptcloud/ptcloud.shader" fragment="mat/ptcloud/ptcloud.shader"/> <!-- geometry="mat/ptcloud/ptcloud-geo.shader" --> </base_material> #ifdef VERTEX #include <core/shaders/common/common.h> STRUCT(VERTEX_IN) INIT_ATTRIBUTE(float4, 0, POSITION) // Vertex position END STRUCT(VERTEX_OUT) INIT_POSITION // Out projected position END MAIN_BEGIN(VERTEX_OUT, VERTEX_IN) float4 vertex = mul4(s_modelview, IN_ATTRIBUTE(0)); OUT_POSITION = getPosition(vertex); MAIN_END #elif FRAGMENT #include <core/shaders/mesh/common/fragment.h> STRUCT(FRAGMENT_IN) INIT_POSITION END MAIN_BEGIN_DEFERRED(FRAGMENT_IN) GBuffer gbuffer = GBufferDefault(); gbuffer.albedo = float3(1.0, 1.0, 0.0); gbuffer.transparent = 1.0; setGBuffer(gbuffer); MAIN_END #endif
consta Posted October 1, 2019 Posted October 1, 2019 You sholud declare GEOM_MAX_VERTICES(...). It is equivalent to hlsl maxvertexcount. //... GEOM_COUNT_IN(2) GEOM_TYPE_IN(LINE_IN) GEOM_MAX_VERTICES(6) GEOM_TYPE_OUT(LINE_OUT) //... Try attached files. ptcloud.7z
roberto.voxelfarm Posted October 1, 2019 Author Posted October 1, 2019 Thank you Consta, this work was perfect.
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