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Setting a node reference as a persecutor's target wont work


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I have a track with a persecutor target/theta/phi/distance.

When I set the target to a moving node, everything works as expected --> the camera follows the moving node.

When I convert the node to a node reference and set the target to it, the camera targets the initial node reference position forever.

Is this a bug?


Best regards

Christian Kübler





Hi Christian,

The track that you created in the Tracker is actually bound to the ID of the node. When you convert a node to a node reference, its ID changes. Thus, after conversion the track does not affect your node reference and the camera does not move. So, you should first change a node in track settings by selecting the corresponding track, double-clicking node's Name field, and choosing your new node reference from the list.

Unfortunately PlayerPersecutor does not yet replace the target node after such conversion automatically (to be fixed in the upcoming releases). So, at the moment you should select your PlayerPersecutor, then change the Target Node to any other node in the scene, and re-select your converted node reference. This should do the trick for now,  sorry for the inconvenience caused!

Thank you!


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