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collisionVolume error


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When using the volume_def packet, the problem does not appear immediately, but an error occurs when trying to terminate the program.



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Please, check the lines

<volume_definition id="0" name="body" shape="0">volumes</volume_definition>
<volume_definition id="1" name="wings" shape="1">volumes</volume_definition>

in data/ig_config.xml
if you don't need preconfigured volumes - remove this lines (or set another id)

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Even if I don't use Collision Detection Volume Definition packet, if I puts the volume(like be_200) in the node  and defines it in ig_config, does cigi response work?

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4 hours ago, dongju.jeong said:

Even if I don't use Collision Detection Volume Definition packet, if I puts the volume(like be_200) in the node  and defines it in ig_config, does cigi response work?

yes. It should work. just send "Enable Collision Detection" in EntityControl (or toggle checkbox in HEMU Collision Detection -> Enable Collision Detection)



Now you can define arbitrary collision volumes (not just boxes and circles) inside an entity. Simply create a model with a physical body and collision shape assigned and add the following line to entity definition section in the ig_config.xml file:

<volume_definition id="1" shape="shape_num">path_to_node</volume_definition>


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