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suggestion's with baked light in engine


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Recently, I'm working on a realistic lighting in my scene. I found this http://unigine.blogspot.com/2011/01/global-illumination-ii.html , this feature is very good and I also played with my scene. effects are good, but still need big improvement.


First, the editor bind lightmaps to material, that would be a big problem, say, I have a concrete material for both building-A and building-B, if lightmap are set in concrete material, you know the results, one of these two buildings' lightmap must be wrong, this is for two different objects. and what if I have to create the light-map for example 20 instanced buildings?


Second, in current work flow, I have to manually create all lightmap texture first, then try to generate these light-map, in UDK, all light are stored in separate file.


So, I suggest two things here.


  1. add light map resolution to node_base property, so that editor can use this value to automatically create lightmap textures, and add a flag to node_base to indicate if this object need to create a lightmap, this solved the procedure for manually create every lightmap texture file.
  2. change the lightmap storage format, the light info are stored into a separate file, all lightmap are stored in this file(this might be impossible, but udk didn't use lightmap texture for each objects), this solved the problem for same material or many instanced objects.


I know this might be a huge work for unigine. But if these problem exists, the lightmap generation in unigine only suites for a small situation of scene.

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