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Update manipulator transform when grappled


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When manipulator changing node transform by ManipulatorCallback,

at each transform change, node MUST correct its transform by snapping rule (node must slide along arc)

because of that manipulator axis do not match with node transform.

how to do manipulator.setTransform(transformation) without releasing mouse button (when I hold mouse button setTransform has no effect)



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here demonstration of behavior


plane mode - ok

axis mode - not ok

here manipulator wrapper

       protected virtual void OnMatrixChanged(Matrix4x4 transformation)
            MatrixChanged?.Invoke(this, transformation);
        public event Action<GizmoRenderController, Matrix4x4> MatrixChanged;
        private Matrix4x4 _transformation = Matrix4x4.Identity;
        private bool _transformationSetted;
        public Matrix4x4 Transformation
            get => _transformation;
            private set
                if (value != _transformation)
                    _transformation = value;
        public void SetTransformation(Matrix4x4 transformation)
            //if (_manipulator==null || _manipulator.isFocusAxis() == 0) return;
            _transformation = transformation;
            _transformationSetted = false;
        private void ManipulatorCallback()
            var transformation = _manipulator.getTransform();
            var rotation = new mat4(transformation.getRotate(), vec3.ZERO);
            Transformation = transformation.ToMatrix();
        private void UpdateTarget(IRender render)
            if (_transformationSetted == false)
                _transformationSetted = true;
                var transformation = _transformation.ToMat4();
                var rotation = new mat4(transformation.getRotate(), vec3.ZERO);
                _manipulator.setCallbackEnabled(Gui.CHANGED, 0);
                _manipulator.setCallbackEnabled(Gui.CHANGED, 1);
        public virtual void OnUpdate(IRender render)
            if (render?.CurrentCamera is UnigineCamera camera)
                Player p = camera.Player;
                if (p == null) return;
        public virtual void OnRender(IRender render) { }
        public virtual void OnAdded(IRender render)
            IsAdded = true;
            if (_manipulator == null)
                _manipulator = _manipulatorFactory.Create();
                Gui.get().addChild(_manipulator, Gui.ALIGN_OVERLAP);
                _manipulator.setCallback0(Gui.CHANGED, ManipulatorCallback);

        public void Show()
        public virtual void OnRemoved(IRender render)
            IsAdded = false;
        public void Hide()

no test scene

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Hi lightmap,

The manipulator is bound to the mouse cursor when you use it, trying to cheat it with the setTransform() or any other way won't work.
I think it's just not the right tool for the task.

Consider implementing custom manipulator with the desired behavior.
In the Unigine Editor we use WidgetCanvas for manipulators.
If you'll go this way, you may find useful these samples in your SDK:

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Yes, you're right, it's canvas_02 and canvas_03.

Widget::setEnabled() is meant for disabling an interaction with the widget, think of read-only WidgetEditLine for example.
To hide/show a widget there is Widget::setHidden(), you figured out right.

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