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Select material when clicking on surface


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I am missing functionality, which was in editor 1.0: When I click (could be double click, middle button...) on any surface in the scene (no matter if in node, etc...), it also selects/opens its material in material hierarchy. When you go through scene and you need to turn off/on material effects for some surfaces, this was tremendous timesaver. Now I need to open/close the node and in case it is world layer node, it is even more complicated...

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Imagine I have mesh in node. I need to select this node and open it, to be able to identify material. In case such node is in object like world layer node, I need to open world layer node, open selected node and identify material, make changes and close both nodes. For one node no problem, in case you tune dozens....

Editor 1.0 was able to select material in material browser by just clicking on surface in the scene and thas was very comfortable.

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OK thanks! But as is told, it could be something really simple, in case material tab is active, when doubleclicking on surface in the scene, select (open) its material...With this I can make change like turning on SSdirt for 30 materials in one minute. I will just fly through scene and turning on materials where it makes sense...


Edited by demostenes
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