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[SOLVED] terrain texture displacement


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Posted (edited)

What does this feature do? I though it adds displacement effect to terrain texture, but it creates some wierd spikes. My height map is proper, works flawlessly with paralax shader. Bug? Feature? Something else?



Edited by demostenes

Hi Jirka,

It looks like you don't have enough polygons on your terrain. Can you show us terrain wireframe?

Please, keep in mind that displacement is pretty much expensive effect in terms of the performance, so use wisely :)


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Posted (edited)

It is normal terrain created in editor with manually modifed height. So pretty standard. My idea was to use displacement for some small stones and stuff like this (normal map provides only weak effect) and give it low visibility to LOD it. Do I understand it wrong and this feature is not meant for this? In that case, what is proper use case? Thanks.


Edited by demostenes

You need very high density triangles on terrain to be able to use the displacement feature (that's why is pretty much costly).Current density is not enough for correct work.

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Posted (edited)

Ok, I understand. So what is use case of this feature? Probably some paralax shader can do job much better for small details. Do you plan to add paralax support?

Edited by demostenes

Actually, this feauture seems useless for terrain. Unlike parallax mapping - it would be extremely useful!

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