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[SOLVED] Very slow billboards repositioning in UNIGINE 2.7


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After migrating to version 2.7 repositioning of billboards in my application has drastically slowed done. Actually it's about 20 times slower than in version

Here is the code

    start = std::chrono::high_resolution_clock::now ();

    for ( int id = 0; id < pBillboadrs->getNumBillboards (); id++ )
        double dRadius = fFarClipping-150.0;
        int iStarID = mapBillboardID2StarID[id];
        double x, y, z;
        y = dRadius * StarSky[iStarID].ObservParam.Alt.cos () * StarSky[iStarID].ObservParam.Az.cos ();
        x = dRadius * StarSky[iStarID].ObservParam.Alt.cos () * StarSky[iStarID].ObservParam.Az.sin ();
        z = dRadius * StarSky[iStarID].ObservParam.Alt.sin ();
        Math::vec3 position ( x, y, z );
        pBillboadrs->setBillboardPosition ( id, position );

    end = std::chrono::high_resolution_clock::now ();
    auto lag = std::chrono::duration<double, std::ratio<1, 1>> ( end - start );

    char str[128];
    sprintf_s ( str, 128, "StarSky: 'setBillboardPosition' for %i billboards in %f seconds\n", pBillboadrs->getNumBillboards (), lag.count () );
    Log::message ( str );

Number of billboards is 7987.

Loop execution time is 0,082163 seconds for version and 1,46314 seconds for vesion 2.7.

All math in loop is OK. If I comment line with setBillboardPosition the loop is very fast in all versions.

The same problem is with billboards size change. Simular code for changing size has become very slow.

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