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CIGI Terrain Contact


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I imported the CIGI Demo and have it communicating with my host machine.  There appears to be a level plane at z height of 0 that my host recognizes as solid and will interact with, however I fly right through the textured terrain even though it appears to be set as collidable in the editor.  I have also imported a ship that I am trying to land on.  The ship is also set as collidable in the editor but I experience the same problem as with the mountains, I fly straight through it.  Is this something I can change in the editor or do I have to do it within the code?


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Hi Robert,

Collision Detection Segment Notification and Collision Detection Volume Notification packets are not supported by the plugin at the moment. So, "collidable" flag does not work.
Only HAT/HOT Extended Response works to determine collisions (but only with terrain).

At the moment, you can write your own collision detection system by changing the sources of the CigiClient plugin.

Best regards,

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