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Relationship between player_cigi and ientity_control


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Hi, I just studying the demo of CIGI 

is the rotation of player_cigi(game player) is the same as the entity? 

The cigi protocol sent the entity eulrer degrees information :



when I try to use vec3 eulrer = decomposeRotationXYZ(mat3(player_cigi->getWorldRotation()));

to find out whether the player_cigi and entity has the same eulrer degrees,

I found that they are not the same.



and if I want to convert a eulrer to quaternion  , I need to use quat ( ICigiEntityControl*control->getRotation()) is it right?

   but I found that the result is not right, the value doesn't change after the transformation. 


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Hi de-Roo.Lukas,


is the rotation of player_cigi(game player) is the same as the entity?

First, CIGI uses a Z->Y->X 
order rotations (also known as: yaw, pitch, roll). But, in our system, default order is X->Y->Z (and you tried to use decomposeRotationXYZ instead of decomposeRotationZYX).
Second, the final rotation of the entity consists of two parts: inner rotation (what CIGI sent to IG) and outer rotation (rotation around normal/tangent/binormal vectors of the terrain in current point of the world). Even "flat" terrain rotate the object along two axes (the farther from the GeodeticPivot - the more influence).


and if I want to convert a eulrer to quaternion  , I need to use quat ( ICigiEntityControl*control->getRotation()) is it right?

Do you have access to the source of the CIGI plugin? It is located at: <UNIGINE_SDK>/sdks/<your_version_of_SDK>/source/plugins/Network/CigiClient/architecture/
Look at the Entity.cpp (void Cigi::Entity::setTransform method) and CigiMath.h/cpp file (all methods) for details.

Best regards,

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