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Missed examples on c++ for Json class


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I'm trying  to find out how to set an array as a value of json node. I can't understand how to use setArray() without argument, and on the "c++" tab of related page of documentation only example for UnigineScript are given. 



Hello Vlad!

Unfortunately, there seems to be a bug in documentation. The setArray() method for C++ only sets the type for the current Json node, the values of the elements should be added via the addChild() methods.

// creating a Json
JsonPtr json =  Json::create();

// adding a child Json element named "array" to the parent json
JsonPtr array = json->addChild("array");

// setting array type for the Json element

// adding array elements
array->addChild(NULL, 1);
array->addChild(NULL, 2);
array->addChild(NULL, "3");
array->addChild(NULL, "data_0");
array->addChild(NULL, 5);

We apologize for the inconvenience caused, and we'll fix this bug as soon as possible!

Thank You for reporting this issue!

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