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Basic Walking Template


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Hey there, I've built out a few scenes in Unigine that are absolutely gorgeous. The problem is that without another programmer, I can't get basic movement inside of my scenes. 

Do you think it's possible to create a basic template that is just using WASD to move, plus SPACE and CTRL to jump/crouch, then allow just teleportation in VR? 

The template would be a completely empty world that expects your coordinates at 0,0,0 and let you either import meshes, or append your own world so you can navigate it?

Would be REALLY handy, unless I'm missing a simple solution. I've tried creating a project based on superposition, but it has way too many items that are called by the code at launch for it to be useful.

Would be a perfect way to explore architectural projects without needing a coder on standby :)



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Hi Andre,

Basically, all you need to do is to open your world script file (usually located at <Project_Dir>/data/project_name/<project_name>.cpp and modify 1 line of code in init() method:

Player player = new PlayerSpectator(); // <-- before
PlayerActor player = new PlayerActor(); // <-- after

After that you can walk around via WASD and jump via E button. You can change controls scheme in Main menu (ESC button).

Thanks! :)


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