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Cloth Attach


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  1. Attach cloth body to ragdoll body. If the Threshold distance is set low enough, the physical cape will be automatically attached only to the cape surface (i.e. shoulders). After that, the cape surface is simply disabled and does not provide any load at all.


This in from the docu.:



I cant find any Threshold parameter.

As well I cant find any possibility to adjust the cluster in any way to modify the binding.






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Hello Werner,
The threshold parameter You're looking for is a parameter of the particles joint that is used to attach a cloth to another body. Size and Threshold parameters of the particles joint are used to adjust the area for pinning vertices of a cloth body to another body. You can check our samples demonstrating how to attach a cloth body to a ragdoll body (samples/Physics/cloth_06 and samples/Physics/cloth_07) and the following usage example: https://developer.unigine.com/en/docs/2.5/code/usage/cloth_particle_joint/

Thank You!

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But the threshold doesnt seem to affect anything.

At least visually there is no change.

The size parameter does change the volume.

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The impact of the threshold parameter might be hard to notice visually in the Editor especially when You try to change its value after attaching a cloth. So, the threshold value should be chosen beforehand.


That's right, the size parameter determines the volume enclosing cloth particles to be attached to the nearest vertices of enabled surfaces of the object.


As for the threshold parameter, it determines which cloth particles inside this volume will actually be attached:

  • the cloth particle is attached to the nearest vertex of object's surface if the distance between them is less than the threshold value;
  • the cloth particle remains unattached (loose) if this distance is greater than the threshold value.
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