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SOLVED Need for another Viewport (Editor 1)


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Hello Unigine Team,


is it possible to get a 5th Viewport inside the Editor (i.e. by modifying some config file or some lines in the data/editor folder?)


We really only need the 5th viewport during development, so I didn't look at how I could implement this with WidgetSpriteViewport.


Thank you and cheers



EDIT: Solved. It seems that the number of available viewports is defined by the length of the window names array in editor_viewports.h

	string window_names[0] = (
		"Viewport 1",
		"Viewport 2",
		"Viewport 3",
		"Viewport 4",
		"Viewport 5",

I cannot open the 5th viewport through the menu as shown in the screenshot but I can open all 5 viewports at startup through the unigine_editor.cfg:

<item name="active_viewport_windows">Viewport 1,Viewport 2,Viewport 3,Viewport 4,Viewport 5</item>

which is sufficient in our case.

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