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Terrain texture blend distance


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It is very hard to prepare terrain layer textures which are looking great from both close distance and far. Maybe impossible. I can use some antitile tricks like blending with other texture, but it does not look well from close distance. And vice versa. Great textures for close distance are useless for big distance. I would expect following workflow:


1) Prepare terrain diffuse texture in some 3rd party tool. If necessary, tune it in editor, for example put some terrain textures optimized for distance, add other details, add objects, normals for objects etc...and grab via grabber in high resolution.

2) Put textures optimized for close distance, load diffuse texture and set blending distance.


My question is, why are terrain textures blending with diffuse/refined diffuse texture to so big distance? I was doing some measing, and it is cca 2km, until diffuse texture is clean without any blend. Terrain LOD parametres have no effect on it. Sure, It really makes sense in some cases, but in other does not. It would really make sense to put this blending distance as configurable parametr. I can imagine using high resolution diffuse texture grabbed via grabber and having blending distance 100-200 metres. It would eliminate problems with tiling without using detail textures, increase performance, I can use less texture for terrain, look better...I can even imagine generating "mega texture" in some 3rd party tool, cut it into pieces and use instead of automatically generated refined textures.

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