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[SOLVED] Allow AmbientSource pitch values outside current .1 ~ 10 range


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I have situations where I would like to play an AmbientSource sound source at sample rates that vastly differ from the original sample rate of the waveform. Unfortunately, AmbientSource::setPitch is clamping the sample rate in the .1 ~ 10 range. I would like to see this restriction removed, including the ability to pass in negative values to play the sample in reverse.

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Hi Andrey.


In our case, the clamping above .1f is more of a frustration than the clamping below 10.f. We would like to set the sample rate of the original waveform anywhere between 0% and 100% of its original rate but are currently prevented from doing so in the 0~10% range.


And yes, we would like to be able to play a sound sample in reverse at a certain speed. We have a sound that we would like to be able to play both forwards and backwards at different times. Currently this requires a separate waveform / separate AmbientSource for the forward and backward playback. It would be convenient and less expensive to be able to do this with a single waveform file and AmbientSource.

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