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WidgetSpriteViewport is very jumpy when the viewport changes


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I am trying to use a WidgetSpriteViewport, but I am finding the results to be very jumpy.

I am trying to create binoculars that has it's own camera.


Setting the new camera to the main camera works fine, but when I set it to the WidgetSpriteViewport, it becomes very jumpy.


For testing, I am setting the main camera to the widget's camera with this: Unigine::Game::get()->getPlayer()->setCamera(spriteViewportWidget->getCamera());

You can see in the attached gif that the main camera is not jumpy, but the WidgetSpriteViewport one is.


Any idea why this may be? The camera's position and look direction is changing every update, but I am not modifying the widget itself.






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