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[SOLVED] Clouds during the night. How to?


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Hi everybody.

I have described this problem already here



But it is being overlooked or something.

In short the problem that the clouds stay white during the 'night'.

Night in our scene is when:

1. The sun (the world light with scattering) is way below the horizon and it is emitting zero light. But the light is still on to support scattering.

2. The ambient light in the scene is very low (0.1)

3. The sky background color is VERY dark.


The clouds are white still!

I can make them almost disappear by using scale sliders or scattering interaction slider. That how Tropic Islands demo does it.

But that is not good because I still want them to be there to hide the moon and the stars. But they need to be darker.

Currently I see no way except for having a bunch of cloud textures gradually darker and apply them as the night falls.

But this is far from ideal. What would be great is to have a parameter allowing to do that.



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To make clouds darker, you can increase the clouds scattering parameter (~5..10) and simultaneously decrease clouds01 and clouds02 scales (0.1..0.2) in the sky material.

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