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[SOLVED] Cannot rapidly replay sound


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I have a short beep sound I would like to play repeatedly when a key is held, tied to the keyboard repeat rate. The function that plays the sound is being called at the correct intervals, but the sound is not re-playing often enough. The length of the beep sample is longer than the period between the function calls, so it would seem that when the function is re-triggered and the previous beep is still playing, it does not re-start playback. I added calls to stop() and setTime(0.f), but nothing seems to have changed.

class MyClass{
 Unigine::AmbientSourcePtr m_beep;
 void MyKeyCallback();


void MyClass::MyKeyCallback(){

How can I get beep sound to play from beginning each time MyKeyCallback is called? Any advice is appreciated.

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Hi Adam,


sound events like play or stop do not updated immediately, sound has it's own thread that is updated at 30fps. You need to call force sound rendering to stop source first and then call play like this:

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