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[SOLVED] Can't pass vec3 to externed function


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Hey, I'm trying to create a function in c++ and export it to UnigineScript.  I'm trying to follow the "dot" example you have in the documentation.  But I can't get it to work after trying lots of things.


The function is defined something like this:


void someFunc(const vec3 &a, vec3 &b, vec3 &cl)


I am exporting it like this:


Interpreter::addExternFunction("someFunc", MakeExternFunction(&someFunc));
Then I call it in script like this:
vec3 a, b, c;
someFunc(a, b, c);
But I get this error message:
camera_control.h:222: Variable::getExternClassObject(): can't convert vec3 to struct Unigine::Math::vec3 * __ptr64
What am I doing wrong?
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Conversion from "Variable" to "vec3 &" is not defined.

There are defined conversions for "vec3" and "const vec3 &".

So I suppose signature of your function should be:

void someFunc(const vec3 &a, const vec3 &b, const vec3 &c).

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I'm afraid not.
There is workaround however: you can pass reference to an instance of extern class.

class VectorPair {
    vec3 a;
    vec3 b;
    vec3 getA() const { return a; }
    vec3 getB() const { return b; }

void foo(const Variable &v) {
    VectorPair &ret = v.getExternClassObjectRef<VectorPair>(Interpreter::get());
    ret.a = vec3(1,2,3);
    ret.b = vec3(4,5,6);


ExternClass<VectorPair> *c = MakeExternClass<VectorPair>();

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