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node export empty files


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I was exporting reference node (single mesh with 6 surfaces and several materials) via node export plugin . Export works as expected (structure is created, material library created, node created....), but .mesh file and .dds textures have 0kb. Unigine 2.1.1


Hi Jirka,


Unfortunately can't reproduce (2.1.1 sdk and noderef with similar structure). All assets exported correctly.
Could you please provide your noderef or at least screenshot with it's structure?




Still can't reproduce with your node.


What I did step by step
 * import your node as noderef into scene (no errors or issues)
 * open node export plugin
 * data folder: absolute path to my project /data
 * local folder: target directory, relative to data folder
 * no custom destination structure

Result: node exported correctly. All assets copied without any issues.

Do you have custom destination structure? If yes - screenshot with node export plugin window should be useful for us.


Still can't reproduce with your node.


What I did step by step

 * import your node as noderef into scene (no errors or issues)

 * open node export plugin

 * data folder: absolute path to my project /data

 * local folder: target directory, relative to data folder

 * no custom destination structure


Result: node exported correctly. All assets copied without any issues.


Do you have custom destination structure? If yes - screenshot with node export plugin window should be useful for us.

I ve tried both custom and standard structure. .mesh and .dds have 0kb. I have windows 10, maybe some problem with writing permissions? 


Hi Jirka,


Probably. That's why we need to check all the parameters that you specified in plugin.


Windows sometimes will acts very suspiciously when you are trying to save or generate some files directly in system disk root (C:\ for example).

How to submit a good bug report
FTP server for test scenes and user uploads:


Hi Jirka,


Probably. That's why we need to check all the parameters that you specified in plugin.


Windows sometimes will acts very suspiciously when you are trying to save or generate some files directly in system disk root (C:\ for example).

I am generating into c:\tmp. I can try different computer and drive.


I am generating into c:\tmp. I can try different computer and drive.


hi Jirka,


Is there any positive results from your side?  :)


I ve tried different drive, also I ve tried directory inside /data, but same result. Meshes and textures have 0kb, .mat and .node are OK.


Hi Jirka,


We've made some experiments but still can't reproduce.

Do you have any errors in log when you exporting the node?

I'd expect something like


Can't save "Foundation_SeaWall_Straight_mdl.mesh" mesh

  • 1 month later...

Yes, many times this:


Copying mesh from "c:/esq/data/data/asset_library/kits/medieval_village2/meshes/FloorExtension_4_VarB_mdl.mesh" to "c:/esq/data/temp/meshes/FloorExtension_4_VarB_mdl.mesh"
Can't save "c:/esq/data/temp/meshes/FloorExtension_4_VarB_mdl.mesh" mesh
Copying texture from "c:/esq/data/data/asset_library/kits/medieval_village2/textures/Detail_Wood_n.dds" to "c:/esq/data/temp/textures/Detail_Wood_n.dds"
Can't save "c:/esq/data/temp/textures/Detail_Wood_n.dds" texture
Copying texture from "c:/esq/data/data/asset_library/kits/medieval_village2/textures/Plaster_B_d.dds" to "c:/esq/data/temp/textures/Plaster_B_d.dds"


I ve tried to run editor under administrator permissions, but it didnt help. Wierd is, that .node and .mat is written properly. To compare, .fbx export and .mesh export writes output without any problem.


Hello Jirka

For correct export you need:
1. Be sure to specify the absolute path to the folder "data" - if you do not specify this path or specify this path wrong, then you will get a lot of errors such as "Can not save" c: /esq/data/temp/meshes/FloorExtension_4_VarB_mdl.mesh "mesh", etc. - what you describe in last reply
2. Unfortunately, even if you follow for point 1 have to be careful: if you save the node outside the folder "data" then you must use only "forward slashes" in path.
In case with "backslashes", you get an errors when copying, similar to what you describe in first post of this topic.
In short:
* use absolute path like this: c:/esq/data
* and do not use like this: c:\esq\data
It's a bug and it was added into our bug-tracker

Sorry for the inconvenience caused.


Thanks, I will try. But I wasnt typing path manualy, I was using unigine file broweser dialog for that.


I ve tried to use forward slashes, but it didnt help.




  • 2 weeks later...

Hello Jirka!


Is there any success with node export process?

I can't reproduce the initial issue: I can export your node (from tmp.7z) multiple times and all textures and meshes exported correctly without errors in log (in case if the destination path is specified with absolute path and forward-slashes). Also, User Account Control (UAC) was turned on to high settings and I don't have any  problems with export of nodes


Have you tried to change disk in destination directory? For example, change it from C:/ to D:/ or even USB-drive?
Where all nodes, meshes and textures, that you are trying export located? We expect that it will be <project folder>/data directory.
Is there any error in log file after exporting to the different directory or USB-drive?





I ve tried different HDD and USB and result is still the same. Materials and nodes are saved, meshes and textures not. Error message is same. Yes, all nodes and data are at <project folder>/data.

  • 2 weeks later...

I have reproduced the issue and it was added to our bugtracker

The key of problem is that engine-filesystem was initialized  in the same folder where you was running the Editor
You can use the following solution:
- create folder bin in your ESQ directory
- put all unigine binary-files into folder bin (no 1 in attached picture)
- your asset-files remain in the same folder as the previously (no 2 in attached picture)
- run Editor from ESQ-directory with next command line:

bin\editor_x64.exe -data_path "../"

In this case NodeExport works correct

Sorry for the inconvenience caused


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