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[SOLVED] How to add a child to a node.


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Hi, I have a node that I want to parent other nodes so I can move them all around as a group and so the child node space is relative to the parent node.


I'm just not sure I understand how the API works around this.


I've created a light like this:


omniLight = LightOmni::create(/*params*/);


and then later I add the omniLight to my parent




and then if I use omniLight later, like:




it crashes.


So I figure at the time I am passing the omniLight to the addChild, creating a new NodePtr there must be releasing the old one.  So if it does that, but addChild only takes a NodePtr, how am I supposed to do this correctly?  Is there some special way I'm supposed to cast this?  Or am I just no longer supposed to use the original omniLight Ptr after I've passed it as a child?  I want to keep omniLight around later for easy access to the light.



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Hi Joseph,


yes, when you create NodePtr instance, it is owning resource, deleting it on destruction. To get not owning Ptr call Node::getNode() like this:

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