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Can we detect mouse roller button movements in script?


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I was using the control_setup_window to set up some input mappings, but noticed I couldn't get the scroll up or scroll down events to register from my middle mouse button which is a roller wheel.  Does unigine scripting currently support roller button movement detection?  Or would I have to implement this through C++?


Ok, looks like I can get the roller mouse through engine.app.getMouseAxis(APP_AXIS_Y)


But I was specifically looking for input through the input system.  Does that exist?  Looking at input_device.h it looks like:


0-1: read from engine.app.getMouseDX and getMouseDY respectively.


2-NUM_BUTTONS+2: reads from engine.app.getMouseButtonState


so...no roller wheel input through the input system at this time?  That's ok...I can just make my script read directly instead.

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