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[SOLVED] Why no addNormal in ObjectMeshDynamic?


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Sorry, noob here.  Why does neither ObjectMeshDynamic or ObjectMeshStatic have an addNormal method?  How do I add vertex normals?  I am procedurally generating a mesh here, so I'm not loading one from a file and I need normals.  I noticed the Mesh class has an addNormal method but I haven't seen any examples yet of how to use that class.

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Oh, I see, there's an addTangent method.  So if I understand this correctly, the normal, tangent and binormal are all rolled into one quaternion.  Very nice.  I'll play around with that and see if I can get it working.

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Ok I have this working now.  Given an array of floats where the normal vectors are stored like x,y,z,x,y,z,x,y,z,etc, this is how I put the normals into the mesh:


//inside of a loop interated by j where j is the vertex index.

vec3 normal(normals[j*3], normals[j*3+1], normals[j*3+2]);

vec3 tangent;

vec3 binormal;

orthoBasis(normal, tangent, binormal);

mesh->addTangent(orthoTangent(tangent, binormal, normal));

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