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[SOLVED] Changing items in the CFG file


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I've run into a problem setting up a settings page on our UI, and nothing pre-existing is being saved to CFG file in use.


The general method I am trying is like this...


engine.config.setInt("render_hdr", 1);
engine.console.run("config_readonly 0");
engine.console.run("config_readonly 1");



But when I check the CFG file after closing the application, render_hdr has not changed its value. Strangely, I can create and change new, custom, variables, but not those used by the engine.


Is it that engine variables must be set via the console and engine.console.setInt, etc. are only for custom variables..? The documentation doesn't say.



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Hi Taylor,

There are console variables, that can be set in console, render_hdr is one of them. In config_save these console variables are writing it's values to config overwriting old ones. So yes, to change console variable, change it in engine.console.set... methods. You are right, we need to add this fact to documentation.

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