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Simulating airport lights


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Hi there,


we need for our simulation, airport lights which can be seen from different distances. To achieve this, we thought of increasing the size of the lights, implemented as ObjectVolumeSphere, as well as increasing the spacing between the lights in relation to the distance of the eyepoint.


Has anybody achieved a correct light system in a different approach? I'm thinking about the light properties or something like this...


Thanks in advance,


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Hi there, Renato!


Take a look at our Portangeles demo as it contains airport lights. Basically, it's just an ObjectBillboards node as its shader is able to render billboards as a single pixel on far distances.

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Hi Andrey


Thanks for your reply, this is clearly an advantage. But we would still have to change the size of the billboard due to distance, right? Or does the shader opens even more possibilities? I mean for getting a combination of lights seen from far away, even if they are already overlapping each other?


Kind regards,


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