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[SOLVED] BodyRagDoll: setBoneFrameBased() vs setFrameBased()


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I don't see the difference between those to BodyRagDoll methods, if I have understood the documentation correctly both are doing the same. Is that correct?


How is bone 'i' calculated if they have different settings:


body.setBoneFrameBased(i, 0) and body.setFrameBased(1)

body.setBoneFrameBased(i, 1) and body.setFrameBased(0)


Thank you and cheers!




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Hi Helmut,


The point is that body.setFrameBased(1) gives a permission for the skinned animation. So, if body.setBoneFrameBased(i, 1), and body.setFrameBased(0), the skinned animation won't be applied. This is made for cases, when you set skinned animation for bones via setBoneFrameBased(), but you need to either enable or disable it.


Techically, both body.setBoneFrameBased(i, 0) and body.setFrameBased(0) apply the rag doll physical animation for body. In case of body.setFrameBased(1) and body.setBoneFrameBased(i, 0), you will just get rag doll physical animation.

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Hello qubblr,


got it. So if I want to playback an animation on a ragdoll I have to enable both setFrameBased(1) and setBoneFrameBased(i, 1) per bone. Thank you very much!




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