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addForce() to BodyRigid instance


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I have object, that must levitate. I prepare scene, where object (die) in the air, see screenshot:


When I close editor I use engine.game.setEnabled(true); and start add force to the object:

float G = 9.81f;

void update()
float ifps = engine.game.getIFps() / engine.physics.getIFps() * engine.physics.getScale(); // this is I get in samples/common/physics.h - how I understand, this is time, that we spend on one frame?

BodyRigid body = meshDie2.getBodyRigid(); // get our physical body
vec3 pos = meshDie2.getPosition();

vec3 force;
force.z = G * body.getMass(); // add force, that must oppose to gravity force

body.addForce(force * ifps * ifps); // add this oppose force with ifps (from samples/common/physics.h)


In this realization object fly away on Z-direction (in sky), instead of levitation. Could you explain, how add force to object for compensation gravity force and object could stay (fly) on his default position? Thanks.

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Accumulation of physical forces inside the update() function is always incorrect because of non-fixed rendering fps.

There is a flush() function which is calls every physical simulation step.

Look through physical samples how to use this function.

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