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[SOLVED] Image decals in C++ API


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I'd like to be able to load an image (at runtime) and create a deferred projected decal from it. Can anyone point me to a code snippet/example for doing this using the C++ API? My understanding is that I will need to load the image, create a material from the image, create a decal, then assign the image material to the decal. 






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The following code seems to work:

Unigine::DecalDeferredProj decal = Unigine::DecalDeferredProj::create(100.f, 45.f, 1.f, "decal_deferred_base");
Unigine::MaterialPtr decalMaterial = decal->getMaterial();
Unigine::ImagePtr diffuseImg = Unigine::Image::create();
decalMaterial->setImageTextureImage(decalMaterial->findTexture("diffuse"), diffuseImg);

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