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[SOLVED] how one would do this gl_NormalMatrix*gl_Normal in vertex shader?


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Ok these are removed features from openGL, does Unigine has these predefined....? if is different for Unigine2 and Unigine1, please for both versions.....

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is this how we would calculate the removed gl_Normal....?


float3 normal = getTangentBasis(float3(dot(row_0.xyz,s_attribute_2.xyz),dot(row_1.xyz,s_attribute_2.xyz),dot(row_2.xyz,s_attribute_2.xyz)));


float4 gl_normal = (normal, 1.0f); ???? 

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Hi there, Marinos!


In 1.0 we store normal/binormal/tangent as vertex attributes.

In 2.0 we store whole tbn basis in quat form also as vertex attribute.

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Hi Unclebob :).... 

so would you mind providing a little example of this....? for both Unigine versions if possible... and possibly point me to the files in source...?



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Awesome thanks Silent I sure can....:) there you go,




varying vec3 N;

varying vec3 I;

varying vec4 Cs;


void main()


vec4 P = gl_ModelViewMatrix * gl_Vertex;

I = P.xyz - vec3 (0);

N = gl_NormalMatrix * gl_Normal;

Cs = gl_Color;

gl_Position = gl_ModelViewProjectionMatrix * gl_Vertex;




and fragment,



varying vec3 N;

varying vec3 I;

varying vec4 Cs;


// globals

uniform float edgefalloff;

uniform float intensity;

uniform float ambient;


// entry point

void main()


float opac = dot(normalize(-N), normalize(-I));

opac = abs(opac);

opac = ambient + intensity*(1.0-pow(opac, edgefalloff));

//opac = 1.0 - opac;


gl_FragColor = opac * Cs;

gl_FragColor.a = opac;





all the best....

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Hi Marinos!


varying is a deprecated glsl construct, you should use in and out keywords instead. Here's useful explanation about them: http://gamedev.stackexchange.com/questions/29672/in-out-keywords-in-glsl


Also, our shader system is designed in a way that you already get many input parameters with fancy names like s_attribute_0, s_attribute_1 which automatically filled by the engine depending on what exactly it's going to render.


You can get started with our shaders from <SDK root>/data/core/shaders/default/common/common_base.h, fragment_base.h and vertex_base.h files.


For example, instead of gl_Projection, you can use our s_projection uniform.

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yup already aware of the deprecated glsl and have already replaced all that (varyings with in/outs), also i am also aware of SOME of Unigine replacements and try to use that too.... it was this i had a problem with (N = gl_NormalMatrix * gl_Normal;) and also i am not aware what the s_imodelview (or something) found in the unigine shaders stands for. And also if there is a unigine define for gl_ModelViewMatrix (is it the s_imodelview)....?


i just posted the shader as i had it initially since it was asked from Silent and was hoping for a specific answer on the shader so i don t ask fragmented questions.....

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gl_NormalMatrix is just transposed inverse modelview matrix, so you can multiply by s_imodelview on the left side (which is equal to multiplying by transposed s_imodelview on the right side) in order to get correct results.


Something like that:

// these lines could be found in core/shaders/default/mesh/vertex_base.shader
float3 tangent,binormal,normal;

// these lines could be found in core/shaders/default/common/vertex_base_ambient.h
s_texcoord_1.xyz = mul3(s_imodelview,tangent);
s_texcoord_2.xyz = mul3(s_imodelview,binormal);
s_texcoord_3.xyz = mul3(s_imodelview,normal);

Here's cool article, explaining the math behind that, read at the bottom (I mean why normal matrix is transposed inverse modelview matrix): https://www.cs.uaf.edu/2007/spring/cs481/lecture/01_23_matrices.html

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Awsome thanks Unclebob, just wasn t sure whether s_imodelview is the inverse modelview already because of the "i" in front of the modelview.....:D

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